SSP is an R package designed to estimate sampling effort in studies of ecological communities based on the definition of pseudo-multivariate standard error (MultSE) (Anderson & Santana-Garcon 2015) and simulation of data. This guide will provide you with a brief overview on how to use SSP. The theoretical background is described in a submitted paper by Guerra-Castro et al. (2020).
The protocol in SSP consists of simulating several extensive data matrices that mimic some of the relevant ecological features of the community of interest using a pilot data set. For each simulated data, several sampling efforts are repeatedly executed and MultSE is calculated to each one. The mean value, 0.025 and 0.975 quantiles of MultSE for each sampling effort across all simulated data are then estimated and plotted. The mean values are standardized in relation to the lowest sampling effort (consequently, the worst precision), and an optimal sampling effort can be identified as that in which the increase in sample size do not improve the precision beyond a threshold value (e.g. 2.5 %).
SSP includes seven functions: assempar
for extrapolation of assemblage parameters using pilot data;
for simulation of several data sets based on
extrapolated parameters; datquality
for evaluation of
plausibility of simulated data; sampsd
for repeated
estimations of MultSE for different sampling designs in
simulated data sets; summary_sd
for summarizing the
behavior of MultSE for each sampling design across all
simulated data sets, ioptimum
for identification of the
optimal sampling effort, and plot_ssp
to plot sampling
effort vs MultSE.
The first function to use is assempar
. The arguments of
this functions are:
Argument | Description |
data.frame with species names (columns) and samples (rows)
information. The first column should indicate the site to which the
sample belongs, regardless of whether a single site has been sampled
Nature of the data to be processed. It may be presence / absence (“P/A”), counts of individuals (“counts”), or coverage (“cover”) |
Method for estimating species richness. The function
specpool is used for this. Available methods are the
incidence-based Chao “chao”, first order jackknife “jack1”, second order
jackknife “jack2” and Bootstrap “boot”. By default, the “average” of the
four estimates is used
extracts the main parameters of the pilot data
using basic R functions combined with vegan
functions like
and dispweight
. The expected number
of species in the assemblage is estimated using non-parametric methods
(Gotelli et al. 2011). Due to the variability of the estimates of each
approximation (Reese et al. 2014), we recommend using an average of
these. The probability of occurrence of each species is estimated
between and within sites. The former is calculated as the frequency of
occurrences of each of the species against the number of sites sampled,
the second as the weighted average frequencies in sites where the
species were present. Also, the degree of spatial aggregation of species
(only for real counts of individuals), is identified with the index of
dispersion D (Clarke et al. 2006). The corresponding properties
of unseen species are approximated using information of observed
species. Specifically, the probabilities of occurrences are assumed to
be equal to the rarest species of pilot data. The mean (and variance) of
the abundances are defined using random Poisson values with lambda as
the overall mean of species abundances. assempar
returns an
object of class list
, to be used by
The second function to use is simdata
, with the
following arguments:
Argument | Description |
list of parameters estimated by assempar
Number of data sets to be simulated |
Total number of samples to be simulated in each site |
Total number of sites to be simulated in each data set |
The presence/absence of each species at each site are simulated with
Bernoulli trials and probability of success equals to the empirical
frequency of occurrence of each species among sites in the pilot data.
Then, for sites with the simulated presence of the species, Bernoulli
trials are used again with probability of success equal to the empirical
frequency estimated within the sites in pilot data. If required, the
presence/absence matrices are converted to matrices of abundances
replacing presences by random values from an adequate statistical
distribution and parameters equals to those estimated in the pilot data.
Counts of individuals are generated using Poisson or negative binomial
distributions, depending on the degree of aggregation of each species in
the pilot data (McArdle & Anderson 2004; Anderson & Walsh 2013).
When abundances were measured as a continuous variable (i.e. coverage,
biomass), they are generated using the lognormal distribution. The
simulation procedure is repeated to generate as many simulated data
matrices (i.e. cases) as needed. This function returns an object of
class list
that will be used by sampsd
The third function is sampsd
. If several virtual sites
have been simulated, subsets of sites of size 2 to m are
sampled, followed by the selection of sampling units (from 2 to
n) using inclusion probabilities and self-weighted two-stage
sampling (Tille, 2006). Each combination of sampling effort (number of
sample units and sites), are repeated several times (e.g. k =
100) for all simulated matrixes. If simulated data correspond to a
single site, sampling without replacement is performed several times
(e.g. k = 100) for each sample size (from 2 to n)
within each simulated matrix. This approach is computationally
intensive, especially when k is high. Keep this in mind because
it will affect the time to get results. For each sample, suitable
pre-treatments are applied and distance/similarity matrixes estimated
using the appropriate coefficient. When simulations were done for a
single site, the MultSE is estimated as , being V the
pseudo-variance measured at each sample of size n
(Anderson & Santana-Garcon, 2015). When several sites were
generated, MultSE are estimated using the residual mean squares
and the sites mean squares from a distance-based multivariate analysis
of variance (Anderson & Santana-Garcon, 2015). The arguments of this
function are:
Argument | Description |
list of data sets generated by simdata
list of parameters estimated by assempar
Mathematical function to reduce the weight of very dominant species: ‘square root’, ‘fourth root’, ‘Log (X+1)’, ‘P/A’, ‘none’ |
The appropiate distance/dissimilarity metric. The function
vegdist is called for that purpose
Maximum number of samples to take at each site. Can be equal or less
than N
Maximum number of sites to sample at each data set. Can be equal or less
than sites
Number of repetitions of each sampling effort (samples and sites) for each data set |
The fourth function is summary_ssp
. This function is
required to estimate an average of all MultSE obtained with the
k repetitions for each sampling effort within each case, and
then an overall mean as well as the lower and upper intervals of means
for each sampling effort among all cases. In order to have a general and
comparable criteria to evaluate the rate of change of the averaged
MultSE with respect to the sampling effort, a relativization to
the maximum MultSE value (obtained with the lower sampling
effort) is calculated; then, a standard forward finite derivation is
computed. All these results are presented in a data frame that will be
used to plot MultSE with respect to the sampling effort, using
. The arguments of this function are:
Argument | Description |
matrix generated by sampsd
Logical argument indicating whether several sites were simulated |
The fifth function, ioptimum
estimates what we consider
the optimal improvement. The arguments are:
Argument | Description |
data frame generated by summary_ssp
Logical argument indicating whether several sites were simulated |
This function identifies three cut-off points based on the finite
derivative between the standardized MultSE and the sampling
effort (as the percentage of improvement in precision per sample unit),
allowing us to identify: (1) the minimum improvement required, (2)
sub-optimal improvement, (3) optimal improvement and (4) unnecessary
improvement. It is possible that the cut-off points defined by omission
will not be achieved, which might occurs if the arguments n or
m of sampsd
were set small. In situations like
this, a warning message will specifically indicate which cut-off point
was not achieved, and will return the maximum effort currently executed.
To achieve 5%, 3%, and 1% of optimization, sampsd
must be run again with higher values of
n or m. Alternatively, the cut-off points can be made
flexible, say, 5%, 4%, 3%, respectively, or higher.
This function allows to visualize the behavior of the MultSE
as sampling effort increases. When the simulation involves two sampling
scales, a graph for samples and one for sites will be generated. Above
the MultSE~Sampling effort projection, two shaded
areas are drawn, highlighting: sub-optimal improvement (light gray), and
optimal improvement (dark gray). Both reflect the sampling effort that
improves the precision at acceptable (light gray) or desirable levels
(dark gray), but beyond the later, any gain could be considered
unnecessary. In addition, for each sampling effort, the relativized
improvement (in relation to the MultSE estimated with the lower
sampling effort) is presented cumulatively (as percentages). This is
very useful because it indicates exactly how much the precision is
improved for each sampling effort. The graphic is generated with
, so the resulting object can be modified using
functions of that package. The arguments of this function are:
Argument | Description |
data frame generated by summary_ssp
vector or matrix generated by
Logical argument indicating whether several sites were simulated |
It could be desirable to measure the plausibility of simulated data.
This can be done by measuring the similarity between the simulated and
the pilot data. This can be assessed with datquality
, a
function that estimate: (i) the average number of species per sampling
unit, (ii) the average species diversity (Simpson diversity index) per
sampling unit, and (iii) the multivariate dispersion (MVD),
measured as the average dissimilarity from all sampling units to the
main centroid in the space of the dissimilarity measure used (Anderson
2006). The arguments of this functions are:
Argument | Description |
a data.frame with species names (columns) and samples
(rows) information. The first column should indicate the site to which
the sample belongs, regardless of whether a single site has been sampled
or not
a list of data sets generated by simdata
a list of parameters estimated by assempar
Mathematical function to reduce the weight of very dominant species: ‘square root’, ‘fourth root’, ‘Log (X+1)’, ‘P/A’, ‘none’ |
The appropriate distance/dissimilarity metric. The function
vegdist is called for that purpose
Micromollusks of marine shallow sandy bottoms:
Presence/absence of 68 species were registered in six cores of 10 cm
diameter and 10 cm deep taken in sandy bottoms around Cayo Nuevo, Gulf
of Mexico, Mexico (a small reef cay located 240 km off the North-Western
coast of Yucatan). Data correspond to a study on the biodiversity of
marine benthic reef habitats off the Yucatan shelf (Ortigosa et
al. 2018). The main objective was to estimate an adequate sampling
effort for further quantitative studies to characterize the variability
in species composition. To do this, the pilot data was characterized
with assempar
and several matrices of P/A data were
simulated with simdata
. To speed up the process, only 20
data sets (cases) were simulated, each data matrix consisted of
N = 100 potential sampling replicates in one site.
Several sample size’s subsets (n = 2 to 50) were repeatedly
sampled (k = 10) with sampsd
. The Jaccard index
was used as the similarity measure between sample units. Keep in mind
that you can simulate many more matrices (cases), number of
samples (N and n), and repetitions (k), as
long as you have the time and patience to wait for the results!
#Estimation of parameters
par.mic <- assempar(data = micromollusk, type = "P/A")
#Simulation of data
sim.mic <- simdata(Par = par.mic, cases = 20, N = 100, site = 1)
# Quality of simulated data
qua.mic <- datquality(data = micromollusk, dat.sim = sim.mic, Par = par.mic, transformation = "none", method = "jaccard")
#Sampling and estimation of MultSE
samp.mic <- sampsd(sim.mic, par.mic, transformation = "P/A", method = "jaccard", n = 50, m = 1, k = 10)
#Summarizing results
sum.mic <- summary_ssp(results = samp.mic, = FALSE)
#Identification of optimal effort
opt.mic <- ioptimum(xx = sum.mic, = FALSE)
fig.1 <- plot_ssp(xx = sum.mic, opt = opt.mic, = FALSE)
The behavior of MultSE for each sampling effort on simulated
data sets can be plotted using plot_ssp
(Fig.1). The shaded
areas indicate the range of samples in which each increase in sampling
effort provides suboptimal improvement (light gray), and optimal
improvement (dark gray). The suboptimal region highlights improvement
between 37% and 47%, while the optimal indicates that up to 55% could be
improved with 10 samples, with remarkable precision gained with each
additional sample. After 11 samples, the improvement obtained with the
increment of the sampling effort is small enough to consider the extra
effort unnecessary and redundant.
Coral reef sponges: Structure and composition of
sponge assemblages associated with reefs from Alacranes Reef National
Park (ARNP), Gulf of Mexico, Mexico, was estimated in 36 transects of 20
m × 1 m across 6 sites (≈ 4 to 5 transect per site). In each transect,
the colonies of 41 species of sponges were counted. This data
corresponds to a pilot study on sponge biodiversity in reef habitats of
the Yucatán shelf (Ugalde et al. 2015). The main objective was to
estimate an adequate sampling effort at two spatial scales
(i.e. transect and sites) for further quantitative studies. The studied
area represented the leeward area of the reef, with very similar reef
geomorphology. Therefore, it cannot be argued a priori that spatial
differences in sponge diversity (if any) were due to some environmental
model. In this sense, we considered valid to simulate data for the
entire leeward area, using the information of the six sites. Several
matrices were simulated, each consisting in 20 potential sites
with 20 potential N transects per site. As for the first
example, the pilot data was characterized with assempar
several matrices with counts of individual sponges were simulated with
. Again, to speed up the process, only 10 data sets
(cases) were simulated. Each combination of n (from 2
to 20) and m (from 2 to 20) were repeatedly sampled (k
= 10) with sampsd
. The Bray-Curtis index was used as the
similarity measure between sample units after square root transformation
of simulated abundances. Similarly, the optimal sampling effort was
represented using plot_ssp
#Estimation of parameters
par.spo <- assempar(data = sponges, type = "counts")
#Simulation of data
sim.spo <- simdata(Par = par.spo, cases = 10, N = 20, sites = 20)
# Quality of simulated data
qua.spo <- datquality(data = sponges, dat.sim = sim.spo, Par = par.spo, transformation = "square root", method = "bray")
#Sampling and estimation of MultSE
samp.spo <- sampsd(sim.spo, par.spo, transformation = "square root",
method = "bray", n = 20, m = 20, k = 10)
#Summarizing results
sum.spo <- summary_ssp(results = samp.spo, = TRUE)
#Identification of optimal effort
opt.spo <- ioptimum(xx = sum.spo, = TRUE)
fig.2 <- plot_ssp(xx = sum.spo, opt = opt.spo, = TRUE)
At the scale of sites, there was a noticeable decrease of the MultSE between 5 and 11 sites (Fig. 2). This range of sampling is represented by two shaded areas: light gray) and optimal improvement (dark gray), respectively. The first represent improvements of 44% with 7 sites, the second 55% with 11 sites. Sampling 9 sites will improve the worst precision in approximately 51%. At the scale of transect, the suboptimal improvement is accomplished with 5 or 6 replicates, whereas the optimal is beyond 7 replicates, but below 11. It can also be noted that each additional sample improves the highest MultSE by 2-3 %, achieving a 55% improvement with 10 transects. It should be pointed out the marked differences in MultSE obtained for the two sources of variation. The magnitude of the difference in variation fits that obtained in the pseudo-components of variation estimated for sites and residuals in a PERMANOVA analysis of the pilot data σsites = 26.4, σtransects = 34.7):
#Square root transformation of abundances
bc<-vegdist(dat.t, method = "bray")
#function to estimate components of variation in PERMANOVA
cv.permanova <- function(D, y) {
D = as.matrix(D)
N = dim(D)[1]
g = length(levels(y[,1]))
X = model.matrix(~y[,1]) #model matrix
H = X %*% solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X) #Hat matrix
I = diag(N) #Identity matrix
A = -0.5 * D^2
G = A - apply(A, 1, mean) %o% rep(1, N) - rep(1, N) %o% apply(A, 2, mean) + mean(A)
MS1 = sum(G * t(H))/(g - 1) #Mean square of sites
MS2 = sum(G * t(I - H))/(N - g) #Mean square of residuals
CV1 = (MS1 - MS2)/(N/g)# Components of variation of sites
CV2 = MS2 # Components of variation of samples
CV = c(CV1, CV2)
sqrtCV = sqrt(CV)
return(sqrtCV) #square root of components of variation
cv<-cv.permanova(D = bc, y = sponges)
#> [1] 0.2644432 0.3467063
Based on these results, and considering the costs (time and/or money) of visiting a site and doing each transect, as well as the relative importance of each spatial scale, it will be convenient to keep the number of sites within suboptimal improvement (i.e. 5-7), and set the number of transects to 8.
These examples demonstrate that SSP has key
advantages in estimating sample effort to study communities whose data
will be analyzed with statistical techniques based on similarity
indices, such as PERMANOVA (Anderson, 2017). However, it is important to
mention that SSP is not free from assumptions. First,
simulations in simdata
do not consider any environmental
constraint, nor the co-occurrence of species neither their joint
distribution functions. In addition, the SSP protocol
assumes that potential differences in species composition among sites is
due to spatial aggregation of species as estimated from the pilot data.
Thus, any spatial structure of species that was not captured by the
pilot data will not be reflected in the simulation. Although the
protocol performs well with small pilot data, it is recommendable that
the pilot sampling captures the greatest possible variability in the
system under study. Despite these limitations, if the properties of the
simulated data resemble the community of interest and show ecological
plausibility, the extrapolations derived from the procedure presented
here will hold valid to define an optimal sampling effort for any study
based on dissimilarity-based multivariate analysis.
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